the adventures of Tintin in dystopia

Hommage to Hergé


While waiting to discover a dystopian post-adventure of Tintin that would happen from "page 63" of the last Tintin album, here is a series of some covers of Tintin's albums revisited in tribute to the great Hergé.

While being aware that the purity of the clear line of Hergé and his teams of assistants remains essential to the effectiveness of Hergé's work. This is simply to show some visuals of Tintin as they have marked and remained in my memory without having reread these albums for at least 35 years.


A few times back (April 2023), I published the first pages of the hypothetical story of Tintin and Captain Haddock, locked up in a virtual Moulinsart, following the desire of its creator Hergé not to continue Tintin's adventures after the death of Mr. Georges Remi.

Also, take a look at these revisited Tintin album covers.
Click the image below to see more :

Dystopian Tintin covers