dani klein

Vaya Con Dios

Vaya Con Dios



I am very satisfied with the work carried out by Hypno Luxo and I have very regularly received compliments about my site from people from countries all over the world who consult it. They find it very well done and very clear to browse.

My website is regularly updated, my webmaster takes the information that concerns me to heart and distributes it punctually.

The style of the site is sober and corresponds perfectly to the image that I wish to convey.


dani klein


years : 2004 > today

url client : Vaya Con Dios

It's been about 20 years since Dani Klein and Vaya Con Dios entrusted us with their online communication. First a website in Flash, then a second - more complete - and finally this site in html format. We are very proud and very grateful to have the honor of working for an artist such as Dani. Thanks also to its successive managers: Théo Linder, Gary Richmond and finally Eddy Godijn.